Case Study: Alvin Ho

From barely beating inflation rates to >18% returns in 1 month

Case Study: Alvin Ho

From barely beating inflation rates to 18% returns in 1 month


Before joining the SMT program, Alvin has been putting in money into his savings account and fixed deposits in order to retain his cash value from depreciation.

However, yielding him only 2-4% per year, he felt it was too little and stagnant as it will never cover the inflation rate.

Hence, he looked for investment opportunities that can not only give him a higher rate of return, but also something that is proven & reliable so that he doesn't burn a hole in his pockets in the process.

The Results

This was in March when he was just 1 month into the SMT program:
"This program/strategy is so simple that even a 10 year old will understand. You do not need to know about Financial Analysis, Technical Analysis or read a lot of news to know whether you are buying the right stock or not."

This was Alvin's results in May, 2 months later:

This is the latest update from Alvin (September 2021):

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